7 Simple Tips to Master your at Home Workouts

7 Simple Tips to Master your at Home Workouts

Over the past few months, we see the virus rapidly taking its toll on our daily routine, with our local gyms, studios and classes all being forced to close temporarily in response to the pandemic taking place. But what does that mean for our fitness fanatics?

With the virus spreading across the UK and people taking extra precautions, we are seeing a boom in the movement of “at home-workouts”, to keep not only our mental health but our physical health in the best condition possible, amid the coronavirus chaos.

Keen to start a home fitness regime, Editor’s Beauty had a chat with US CBD Brand Medterra to give us 7 of their simple tips to help us master our at-home workouts whilst self-isolating or working from home.

Whether you’re a HIIT session fanatic, yogi or a weights enthusiast, anyone can maintain a great workout routine from home. With the help of their tips, you’ll be able to find your flow to make it easy and sustainable for us all.

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  1. Firstly, establish a routine. Decide on a set time, whether it be early in the morning or before bed and also decide on a dedicated space where you can comfortably workout without any distractions.

  2. Consistency is KEY. If you can try doing your workouts on set days each week, this will help you get into a rhythm of doing your workouts as you do when you go to the gym.

  3. ALWAYS Stretch before and after your workouts, don’t let habits slip because you are at home!

  4. Different days = Different workouts. Try different workouts to keep things interesting, with platforms such as YouTube you are spoilt for choice when it comes to fitness, however be sure to follow a qualified professional.

  5. If you are prone to sore muscles and aches post workout, then try a cooling cream for post workout muscle recovery.

  6. Play music loudly either through your TV or headphones to motivate you to work harder and make it fun!

  7. Utilise nature. Take your regime outside if you can, not only will you get your dose of vitamin D, it will lift your mood too.


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