Surprising Reasons Why You Have Chapped Lips

Womans lips - Surprising Reasons Why You Have Chapped Lips

Most of us are guilty of licking or biting our lips and using abrasive treatments or harsh lipsticks that can lead to chapping. But there are other less obvious reasons why your lips may be dry and uncomfortable.

Let’s explore some surprising reasons why you have chapped lips and simple solutions to prevent or heal them.


When our bodies lack adequate hydration, our lips are the most noticeable sign of this. Fortunately, hydration is a simple yet effective tip for properly taking care of your lips. You should drink eight glasses of water per day and decrease your caffeine and alcohol intake because they can dehydrate your skin.


Allergies to certain foods, ingredients, and even environmental factors, such as pollen or pet hair, can contribute to chapped lips. Common triggers include dairy products, gluten, nuts, and soy. You need to identify and avoid allergy triggers to prevent issues. Consult a doctor or allergist to pinpoint any allergies and eliminate them from your diet or environment.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Vitamin or mineral deficiencies are more reasons why you may have chapped lips. Some essential nutrients include vitamin B complex, vitamin E, iron, and zinc. Adding more nutrient-rich foods to your diet, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and fruits, can heal your dry lips. You can also take vitamin or mineral supplements after consulting with your doctor or nutritionist.

Mouth Breathing

Breathing through our mouths, especially during sleep, can lead to a dry mouth and chapped lips. Alternatively, breathing through your nose can keep your lips and mouth moist. But you can take things further by using a humidifier to keep the air moist. They’re particularly useful during winter, as central heating contributes to dry indoor air.


Many medications, including antihistamines and acne medications, can cause dry mouth and chapped lips. You can speak to your doctor about your side effects and adjust your medication as necessary. They may prescribe medicated lip balms to combat dryness and irritation.

Chapped lips are a common problem, but they don’t have to cause constant irritation. By taking preventative measures, you can achieve soft, moisturized, and healthy lips!


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