Mesosculpt C71: Redefining Facial Sculpting for Unmatched Results

Mesosculpt  C71: Redefining Facial Sculpting for Unmatched Results

The term “snatched” may have been trending as long as covid but whilst the world of makeup is more transient in its loyalty to trends, in the world beauty aesthetics the desire to look “snatched” never been stronger.

Not ones to miss a money making opportunity, beauty brands have flooded the market with gua shas, face yoga apps, serums, Korean face slings and gadgets all claiming to tighten and lift for the ultimate snatched appearance. But the question remains, do these products actually work or are we simply wasting  our money? 

Whilst they may appear to work temporarily, the fact is that the majority of these items simply lack any kind of long term research or scientific backing to their claims. 

One product does come with vigorous scientific testing and backing is ABG LAB’s Mesosculpt C71.  An epigenetic mesotherapy, this ground braking injectable treatment is a first of it’s kind facial re-modelling technology to shrink unwanted fat and sculpt facial contour with out the need for surgery or serious down time.

how does it work?

A lipo-modifying treatment designed to define and contour facial features, Mesosculpt C71 prevents accumulation from fat and carbohydrate-rich diets while also triggering lipolysis, the breakdown of fat deposits. By inhibiting the production of new fat cells, stimulating the breakdown of fat deposits, activating lymphatic drainage and reducing production of new fat cells, it is able to remodelling and restructuring the mid and lower face through strategic injection points, over 4 session at 2 to 4 week intervals. Whats more, unlike other fat reducing injectables Mesosculpt has an extremely low downtime with a significantly lower risk of bruising and minimal swelling.

Of course the word “new” can be off putting when it comes to any new treatment requiring needles but staying true to its scientific backing, Mesosculpt has been vigorously tested, with over 2 million doses having been administered already. Is also has the backing of world-renowned medical pioneer, TV personality and clinical director of The Harley Street Skin Clinic, Dr Aamer Khan. 

An expert in both cosmetic and non-surgical procedures, Dr Aamer Khan is the founder of charity Back On Track a veterans charity where Khan offers treatments not available on the NHS, nor at Headley Court, to injured veterans.

“ABG Lab has launched an innovative and ground-breaking concept to the injectable arena. MESOSCULPT C71 is an innovative injectable facial cosmetic, containing 3 components. It modifies targeted fat cells to switch from localised fat-storing to fat-dissolving (lipolysis) without causing cellular trauma, improves the microcirculation and lymphatic drainage and reduces inflammation and stimulates re-modelling and sculpting, revitalisation lifting, and tightening of the skin to produce a more youthful facial contour” explains Dr Aamer Khan.

“What excites me is that they are backed by credible studies, and they offer a science based non-surgical solution for our patients, including older patients, in whom non-surgical options were previously less effective.”

In the knowledge that the producers also had Dr. Khan’s full backing, we decided to put Mesculpt C71to the test.  

What Does The Treatment iNvolve

Following an initial consultation with Dr Aamer Khan at The Harley Street Skin Clinic, alongside a series of rather unflattering pictures for documentary purposes, It was time for my first Mesoculpt Session.

Beginning with quick cleanse and sterilisation of the skin, Dr Khan swiftly yet painlessly injects the Mesoculpt at strategic points under and around my jawline line, around the the jowls and below the cheek bones. The whole procedure so swift, that I find myself walking out the door a mere 5 minutes later.

Down time with the mesosculpt is minimal. Other than a few injections marks, I am able to leave the clinic pretty much as I arrives and other than some mild swelling and tenderness the following day, there really is nothing to write home about.

I continue with the recommend 4 treatments, attending each session with a 2-3 week gap and each being pretty much a clone of the other, apart from my gradually improving visage.


Unlike filler injectables, the results with the MESOSCULPT C71® aren’t going to be immediate. Both lipolysis and cellular renewal take time to occur, so its important to lower your expectations for the first couple of sessions and to be honest, it wasn’t until after the third session, that the difference in fat deposits and skin firmness started to become apparent.

But it was few weeks after fourth and final session that I really took note.

With a noticeably lifted more snatched jawline and a reduction in my jowls which had been palquing me ever since I received masseter botox for teeth-grinding (a little talked about side effect being loosing skin due to muscle loss), I couldn’t have been more pleased. Whats more, its an almost painless procedure with pretty much no downtime, a win win in anyones books.

The downside? As with other injectable procedures, to maintain results, you need to do maintenance. Maintance in this case involves one session of MESOSCULPT C71 every  4 months following the initial course of treatments. But as Dr Khan said “It’s a lot cheaper than less invasive than surgery”. I don’t disagree.

MESOSCULPT C71® starts from £250 - £750 per session (3-6 recommended per treatment).

To book your consultation with Dr Aamer Khan visit The Harley Street Skin Clinic.


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