Is the Focus Dual Worth It's Hype?

Is the Focus Dual Worth It's Hype?

Chances are you have already heard of HIFU or at the very least seen it on a treatment list. Famed for its skin tightening and lifting abilities, it can takes years if not decades off your looks, with having to go under the knife.

Unsurprisingly, HIFU has been a hit amongst the A’Listers, with both Jennifer Anniston and the Kardashian’s raving about it’s result, and now thanks to it’s latest reincarnation, the results aren’t just great, they’re game changing.

Combining HIFU (High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) with another celebrity favourite, Radio Frequency Microneedling (RMF), the Focus Dual by Lynton Lasers is setting the industry alight with its impressive lifting, tightening and firming abilities.

Improving the skin at every layer, the Focus Dual uses HIFU to target the deeper layers of the skin, boosting collagen and elastin levels with its target heat, to ensure a firm, plump inner structure to the skin.

Next Radio Frequency Microneedling is used to deliver energy to the skin’s cells, via the microneedling micro channels to stimulate the skin’s fibres and trigger the body’s natural healing response. This process help to further increasing collagen levels, restoring and supporting the skin’s structure, for firmer, plumper looking skin and a more refined profile.

Woman on bed having Focus Dual Radio Frequency Microneedling

With minimal down time and results after just one session, the Focus Dual really is the definition of lunchtime facelift, reducing double chins, lifting eyebrows, removing eyebags and sculpting the jaw line, all in one session is required. It is also pretty nifty at treating unwanted scars. So what’s the catch..?

Ever heard of the saying “No Pain, No Gain”? While you certainly gain a lot form the Focus Dual, it’s not exactly a pain free option. Of course, as with anything in life, if you want results you need to put in the hard work and sometimes that work is all about your pain tolerance.

Even under the dutiful care of acclaimed dermatologist Dr Ariel Haus, who insisted that I was not only provided with numbing cream but pain killers too, the treatment was turning curling uncomfortable, with the HIFU in particular ,reaching the peak of my tolerance. But tolerate I did, and when the experience was finally over, I left the clinic with nothing more than the felling of a light sunburn ( a common after affect from microneedling) and a rather red face.

The Focus Dual might not be a pain free option but when the results are this impressive, without a knife in site, it’s worth just gritting those teeth and getting on with it.

For more information on the Focus Dual with Dr Ariel Haus visit

Dr Haus Dermatology - 75 Harley Street, London, W1G 8Q


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